Descendents of Bafford "Barefoot" Runyon
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Bafford "Barefoot" was born in New Jersey and died in Eaton, Preble County, Ohio and is buried in Cemetery. He married Nancy Ann Parks in 1786 in Rowan County, North Carolina, d/o Charles Parks and Catherine _________. She was born April 5, 1768 in North Carolina and died October 9,1862 in Preble County, Ohio. The first seven children being born in North Carolina and the last seven in Barren County, Kentucky.

The children of Bafford and Nancy Parks are:

1.Robert b.August 3,1786

2.Catherine b.December 30,1787

3.Charity b.October 16,1789

4.Anna b.April 23,1791

5.Julia b.February 15,1793

6.Phineas b.November 27,1794

7.Charles b.March 25,1798

8.Elizabeth b.August 19,1800

9.Wilson b.March 1,1802, Barren County, Kentuxcky and d. September 2,1885, Barren County, Kentucky

10.Lucy b.January 4,1804

11.Nancy b.December 30,1805

12.Jane b.October 6,1807

13.Frances b.April 1,1809

14.Isaac b.February 11, 1811

Note: My ancestery to this generation is proven positvely, as I remember my father, Erney Clifford Runyon mentioning his "Granddad Barefoot", but he knew little about him. The ancestry above this person is from the research of many, starting with myself and my sister June (Runyon) Arnold, who knew how to do this, before we knew anything about computers! My special thanks to her for tweeking my interest in family genealogy.

Article sent to me by cousin Gayle Hilderbrand, could possibly be from "Kentucky Footsteps":
            By W.Logan Porter,Attorney at Glasgow,Kentucky
Major Botts was one of the most resourceful men I have ever known at the Bar.
There was an action pending in the Metcalfe Circuit Court in ejectment, and the question was as to the location of a certain chestnam corner that had been destroyed by fire.  Major Botts was defending the action,and Barefoot Runyon was the principal witness for the plaintiff. Major Botts in his address to the jury made a play of the name "Barefoot" in Runyon's name, and described him in a humorous way going through the wiffle briars, broom sedge, and sassafras bushes hunting barefooted ,and described him going through the briars with the blood running down his legs and feet in such a homorous way that practically destroyed his evidence.  The fury found for the defendant.
Major Botts was a trial lawyer, and was unaware of the fact that Barefoot Runyon was his principal witness in an important case to be tried the next day, and Captain R_____, who represented the plaintiff in the first case, was gratified that Major Botts had destroyed the evidence of Runyon in the next case, as the same jury would try the second case, and expressed his gratification, which was communicated to Major Botts.
The next morning when court assembled, the jury, as was the custom in rural courts, were all in the jury box.  When Major Botts was called on for a motion the next morning the said he hand no motion, but desired to make a personal explanation, and then he proceeded to recite the circumstances that occurred in his address to the jury the day before, and said, that after court adjourned, he found that he was mistaken as to the character of Barefoot Runyon, and desired to apologize to Mr.Runyon, and to make his apology as broad as the charge had been made on the previous day, and then said that he was advised that Mr.Runyon was an humble citizen, living in a cabin on a hillside, and was one  of the most reliable,truthful, honest, and best citizens of Metcalfe County, and that he wanted to retract everything that he had said that was derogatory to his character.
The jury of course being present heard the apology, and on the trial of the case that day , Major Botts succeeded in winning his case on the evidence of Barefoot Runyon.

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